About Us

Hi! I’m Erica, mum to four active, growing kids who love being outside and getting dirty – rain, hail or shine and what better place than the garden. Here in the planet-eco household we LOVE our vegie patch. The sense of satisfaction and pride the children have from picking and eating something they have planted themselves is pretty amazing.

It’s becoming harder and harder to find fresh fruit and veg that hasn’t been sprayed, processed or modified. We think it’s really important that our kids eat as healthily and organically as possible – just like Grandma and Grandad used to!

By growing their own food, children also learn things like teamwork (very helpful for my family because boy can they argue!), responsibility and also the environment. We love the fact that the kids are developing an environmental conscience whilst learning valuable skills for leading a healthy lifestyle through growing and eating their own fresh vegetables. This is why our patch kits are designed for children. We want to encourage children and their families to grow their own edible gardens and maybe discover a lifelong passion along the way.